This time we really did it! We just did not respect those laws of nature and guess what! Reality hit us hard with a mash that was just impossible to run off. I guess you kind of ask for it when you use 25% pumpkin pure, 30% malted rye, 10% rolled oats and........... But we never gave in of course, and the mash was conquered by hauling it out from the top of the lauter tun by the bucket! We have had better extract of course. We have also had more fun. But we do have Norway's first pumpkin ale! Ready for the Seattle Pumpkin Beer Festival later this year.
Noen flasker blir vel igjen i Norge?
SvarSlettNoen fat blir det nok.
SvarSlettSatser på at Sean tar turen over til Cardinal med et fat :)
Blir det noen flasker Black Tokyo Horizon å få tak i her hjemme i vårt totalitære regime?
SvarSlettSean så det kommer 30 kasser til norge, så at en kasse finner veien helt til oss, Knut, er vel lite trolig:)